Why You Really Need To Have Fun While Getting Stuff Done

If we’re not having fun, we are doing it wrong.

We should be having fun on a daily basis. No matter what we are doing let’s endeavor to have fun! When we have fun we are adding years to our life by laughing, playing and removing stress. Not everything has to be so stiff and serious. Even though we might have a lot going on we can still laugh along the way. Actually, when we do this, it causes all of our tasks and to-dos to seem more to-doable. We also get rid of the added stress as well because we know it will get done now that we are having fun.

Having a fun and sunny outlook on life will cause things to get done! And not only get done, but to get done much faster as well. There's even an expression that states “time flies when we’re having fun and it is super true! Sometimes, when we are having fun a whole hour has passed. Meanwhile, it feels like it has been only minutes. When we make things fun, it surely will get done!

Here are some practical ways you can have fun while doing other tasks today:

  1. Play some upbeat music - Music is super powerful and can cause our mood to change in a snap. So why not cause it to change it to a fun and upbeat mood? When we listen to upbeat music, we can’t want to dance and how much fun is that?

  2. Actually dance - If the task we are doing let’s us move around, then let’s do so. Let’s actually dance! It will be so much fun and get the task done much faster. Not to mention moving is good for our heart and our over all health, So win-win! Whether we have two left feet, two right feet or anything in between let’s do it anyway. It will still be so much fun. So dance like nobody’s watching and if they are then have them join the fun!

  3. Hum - If we can’t dance at the moment, well then let’s hum. Humming causes us to feel in a better mood and it can even help open up sinuses. Humming is a fun and cheerful way to express ourselves without waking up our families. So if we are doing a task early in the morning (or late at night for the night owls), then why not hum?

  4. Sing it loud - If it’s an appropriate time of the day then sing! Singing is such a fun way to express ourselves. Sing a silly song and we will have the time of our lives. Singing is fun no matter how we actually sound. But, if we are worried that we don’t sound the best, just remember, practice makes progress!

  5. Play a game - If we have company while we are doing a task, then we can play a game with them. Anything from a word game to I spy. Games have a tendency to make the time seem like it’s going faster. Not to mention, they are so much fun!

These are just some fun quick things we can do to have fun while we do other tasks. Let’s make sure to be having fun every single day. It doesn’t cost a penny and it can lead to great memories as the years pass. Not to mention it can help put us in a good mood and even help to add years to our lives.


Having fun could make you live longer - https://www.prima.co.uk/diet-and-health/healthy-living/news/a36985/having-fun-will-make-you-live-longer/

Humming and the Surprising Vocal & Health Benefits -



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