Building Your Best Home

As we gear up for a fresh start in the new year, it's the perfect time to turn our attention to the heart of our lives—our homes.

Let's dive into the exciting world of homemaking goals and transform our living spaces into havens of joy, comfort, and positivity.

Why Set Homemaking Goals?

Setting goals is like giving your home a roadmap for success. It adds direction, purpose, and a touch of excitement to your homemaking journey. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, setting goals is your secret weapon to creating a home that reflects your unique style and meets the needs of your family.

The Importance of Goal-Setting:

Goal setting helps you focus on what matters most, motivates you to take action, and turns your dreams into achievable milestones. Plus, it makes homemaking a whole lot more fun because we know what we are aiming for and now just wondering about anyhow.

Creating Your Homemaking Goals List:

Let's get down to business and create your very own homemaking goals list. Grab a notepad and jot down the areas you want to improve. Think about home organization, decor, meal planning, and anything else that makes your home uniquely yours. Here's a simple template to get you started:

Organization Suggestions:

Declutter a room by the end of January another by the end of February and so on an so forth.

Establish a monthly cleaning routine to keep things sparkling. I follow the FLyLady System and it is awesome and helps to keep things in tip top shape. However, the best system is the one that works for you and your family.

Decor Delights:

Revamp a room’s decor by adding a splash of color. Write out your budget and stick to it!

DIY a personalized gallery wall in the family room.

Mealtime Mastery:

Try one new recipe each week to spice up family dinners and create new family favorites.

Create a weekly or monthly meal plan to make grocery shopping a breeze.

Breaking Down Larger Goals:

Now that you have your goals, let's make them even more achievable! Break down those bigger tasks into smaller, manageable steps. For example:

Decluttering the Living Room:

Week 1: Tackle the bookshelf.

Week 2: Sort through DVDs and electronics.

Week 3: Organize the coffee table and side tables.

Remember, the key is to take it one step at a time, turning overwhelming tasks into bite-sized accomplishments. Progress over perfection.

Homemaker's Pro Tip: Get the family involved! Turn your goals into a fun family project. You'll be amazed at how much can be achieved when everyone pitches in. And if you have littles like me, you will be helping them to establish life long amazing habits.


Homebuilders, you've got your goals, you've got your plan—now let's turn those dreams into reality! Embrace the new year with open arms and a clear vision for your home. Remember, each small step you take is a victory on your homemaking adventure. Here's to building the home of your dreams in the coming year! 💛


Homemaking joy