Be Content Always
images courtesy of she builds her home
Let us learn to be content with whatsoever we may have because things could always be worse.
Having contentment is not an easy thing to do. Especially in the world we are living in today with easy access to see who is doing what and who has what. However, may we never forget that comparison is the thief of joy. Whenever we compare ourselves to others we are doing ourselves a disservice because instead of enjoying what we have we are now focused on someone else. This can only lead to a never ending cycle because the more we focus on other people’s blessings the less we can focus on ours causing us to not see our own blessings even more. It doesn’t end well. Not only is there enough sunshine (and blessings) for everyone, but the grass is always greener where ever you water it.
When we focus on our own blessings they will flourish and bring forth even more fruit. Not to mention someone else may be praying for that very thing that we are taking for granted. Maybe someone has a child who is throwing a tantrum or hurting the sibling and suppose the parent feels bothered by them, suppose they even yell at them. Now, the child feels sad, the parent annoyed and it’s just a mess. However, someone down the street could be praying for a child and somebody in the next town over might have lost there. Let’s say that wife down the street who is praying for a child is feeling so frustrated and confused and hurt, that whenever her husband attempts to comfort her he is met with anger and frustration. Suppose she lashes out at him and causes him to feel hurt and alone. This may strain the marriage meanwhile her cousin might be yearning for a husband of her own.
As you can see, comparison is never good, let us learn to be content with what we have. There is always a silver lining. Even when things seem dark, I promise you, the sun is always there. Even when you cannot see it, it’s just behind the clouds. Let us never let the clouds in our life cloud our sunshine and take away our joy. If you are a believer be sure to cling to the LORD in times like this. He is our friend and wants to know all about our problems, and when you speak to Him, stop to listen as well.
If we nourish and care for the things we have while we have them, if God forbid something bad were to happen we at least have our good memories. We can and should make the best out of every situation because we never know what tomorrow holds. So for today, let us do the very best with what we got. And if we are struggling to see what it is, let us make a list of the things that we are fortunate enough to have and let us remember that it could always be worse.
There are things that are out of our control, absolutely there are also things that may seem bad at first but can later turn out to be exactly what we needed. Other times it may not be the case but since we do not know there is no sense in dwelling in the negative. Let us focus on the things we can control. And if your in a funk do things that liven up your mood. Even if we do not exactly feel like doing it at the moment. It’s never a good idea to sit and sulk for so long. After some time has passed we will realize that we can sit and complain about things or we could use that same energy to make the best out of every situation.